Seawall – Dovercourt Amenity Area

The amenity area at West End, Dovercourt is protected with an OSA revetment which has been installed in phases over the years.
With the continuing foreshore erosion threatening the integrity of the toe of the revetment, it was no longer practical to keep extending the revetment and a vertical protection was undesirable due to the expected continuing scour due to reflected wave energy.

Our solution was to install a 350mm layer of fully grouted gabion rock along the toe at widths of between 3m & 5m depending on the depth of the existing toe.
The grouted stone was designed to be flexible enough to follow future toe scour in order to protect the revetment.
A 400m section of toe was placed in 2002.

After the extreme storms during the 2013/14 winter the foreshore level was significantly reduced.
The existing toe was performing well but an unprotected section at one end was exposed.
In 2014 the toe protection was extended for a further 100m to tie in with the existing seawall.
Parts of the toe detail are now exposed and are following the scour holes to protect the revetment.